Our Blog
It’s all about TEAMWORK!

This week, Dr. Mary, Dr, Eva and Dr. Melissa working together with the help of another veterinarian (who also happened to own the equine patient), learned to perform a standing enucleation (eye removal). Cooperating and coordinating to learn these new procedures is vital to our success as veterinarians. In some practices, it can be an every man/woman for themselves philosophy…or even worse, veterinarians work in competition with each other for cases and patients.
At Weitz Equine we pride ourselves on our teamwork. We have rounds meetings almost every week where we discuss challenging cases and decide on the best course of action. If I am ever struggling with a case, I always know that one of the other doctors is only a phone call away. That sense of community and support is invaluable in a job that can be emotionally and mentally taxing. If I only had my own knowledge to rely upon, I know I wouldn’t be nearly as good of a veterinarian as I am today with the help of Dr. Paul, Dr. Eva and Dr. Mary.
Weitz Equine is a group practice and we function as a support system. If I’m not sure about a case or how to proceed, I have the bright minds of the 3 other doctors I work with to help me. We are not an island. We, as the veterinarians benefit from this team mentality to provide the very best care to our patients. Practicing medicine is challenging….each day can bring a new type of case or presentation that maybe we have never seen before. As our clients, please know that when you have one of the doctors from Weitz Equine out to see your horse, really you have all 4 of us. Weitz Equine is there for you and your horse every step of the way.
I am so proud of the work Dr. Mary, Dr. Eva and myself (as well as Dr. Lesanna) did this week. We helped a horse become more comfortable without his damaged eye and we learned skills to help future patients as well. Way to go TEAM!